Do It Yourself Websites
We’ve all heard a parental figure share with us, “Try it yourself, and if you can’t figure it out, then you can ask someone else for help.” And, as a learning strategy this can be very good advice. However, I am not an advocate of this advice when it comes to haircuts and websites.
I’m guessing that haircuts are pretty self explanatory, picture uneven edges, snipped ear lobes and general disappointment. It’s worth the money to have someone else coiffe your do.
However, with websites there are lots of people telling you to just do it yourself. There are several problems with this recommendation. Here are my top three.
1. WordPress, Weebly, Squarspace all change fast with updates. Miss an update and your whole web presence can look totally different than you expected. The result is you not putting your best foot forward and potentially loosing a client.
2. SEO is a game changer. Everyone talks about it, but very few people have learned how to do it. However, their is one subpopulation that not only knows about SEO, but also can teach you all the free things you can be doing. These are the people that make websites day in and day out. Like your trade, they learn the extras, take continuing education, and find the perfect plugins to do exactly what you need.
3. Time is money, and you may think that a simple change on your website will be easy to manage, but I’ve had more than a handful of clients tell me they thought a simple change would take 10 minutes, only to put in 10 hours to get the desired result.
Monday Mindfulness
Ask yourself if you are going to get faster results with your website needs if you hire someone. If the answer is yes, and you already have someone then please comment with their website and name in the comments below.
Need a referral for a good web designer? Email me and tell me your highest priorities and I’d be happy to share my community with you.
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