Have you ever felt that someone’s marketing efforts came across more like they were vomiting their offer onto you, instead of sharing their work in a genuine, connecting way?
Maybe it was at a live business meeting, or you signed up for something and then got bombarded by emails.
Certain people in the marketing world will try and use fear as their leverage to coerce you into the sale.
Fear that The Opportunity Will Go Away
Fear of Doing Nothing
Fear of Missing Out
And so, you make a commitment to never be that sales-y person, and end up taking on fear of your own when you are sharing your products and service.
Monday Mindfulness
What if you didn’t have to pressure yourself, or your potential client. What if it could be about showing up, sharing how you can help, and taking a stand for your potential client?
It’s possible, trust me!
Love it, Jason. YES, YES, YES.
I’ve had similar experiences and it grosses my heart out.
Instead, what my heart craves is simply – clean, clear relationship and service. When that’s at the forefront, I don’t mind there being offers included… in fact, I desire offers to buy stuff to be included.
This is how I want to market… based on: generosity, service, love, relationship, trust.
So true! Thanks Jason!
Oh, I just love that ” Good moooorning!”, it cheers me right up!
This is right on. I tried a number of those webinars that promised oh so much, and I didn’t get that business. It took me a while to realize it wasn’t my own failings, but that what was promised was unrealistic. I now avoid those marketers–even if what they have is good, if that is how they are marketing, I don’t want it.
It has been a relief also to realize that I can market from the heart and with love, and not have to use scare tactics. That is so NOT what I want for my students and clients.