As mindful business owners we inherently care about other people.
Because of this it can be natural to give people second, third, fourth…chances to change their behavior when they cross our boundaries. But, this is ultimately comes at a high cost to both our business success and our sanity.
So, what can we do when our internal red flag starts waving furiously? And, how can we effectively teach people how to treat us?
Enjoy the video above and here’s to happy, healthy soverignty!
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Robyn Pearson says
Fantastic as always! Great message!
Iris Weaver says
Very good advice, and necessary. Thank you.
Jason Stein says
Thanks Iris. Seems like it would be easy to do, but sometimes the easiest things people challenging when thinking about others and how they might react.
Jason Stein says
Thanks Robyn. So important for business owners like you who are growing and adding additional people to the team.
Dana Leigh Lyons says
Wow–this is so timely for me today, Jason! Thank you!
Jason Stein says
Thanks Dana! Saw your post. Sounds like you are getting lots of opportunities to practice 🙂