What the hell is Mercury Retrograde, and why does it seem to reek so much havoc in our business? This is a question I’ve been asking myself this week.
And, I’ve learned a lot. Like how it’s an illusion that Mercury is hurdling backwards three times this year.
March 22 – April 15, 2018 in fire-sign Aries
July 26-August 18, 2018 in fire-sign Leo water-sign Scorpio
November 16 – December 6 in fire sign Sagittarius, ends water sign Scorpio
I’m learning that people freak out during these times, and that some astrologers will say Mercury is the house of communication so, you should not start anything new, launch any products, or start up new business relationships.
Hmmm. My big question: Why did Mercury Retrograde become the scapegoat to our challenges, and is there anything that can be done?
Well, I’m a healthy skeptic, but, when I lost a new client, had a PayPal issue that zeroed out my balance, and had the electrical transformer literally blow up and shut down the power in my home office, I started to wonder if there was something to all this stuff.
Here’s what I’ve come to believe.
As a trained acupuncturist I’ve been studying how we humans interact with the universe and its energy.
The good news is, the more you see it through the skeptics eyes, the more you can learn about how Mercury Retrograde can influence us. Since the whole trajectory of Earth, the Sun, and Mercury change, it is possible for our lives and businesses to face more change during this time.
But, do I think you should shut your business doors every time Mercury Retrograde occurs?
Hell No.
Monday Mindfulness
- You can allow the dates above to be a reminder to be more patient in business. Although it’s often good to slow down and breath more, if communication breakdown is coming during Mercury Retrograde you can take some extra time to really make sure you avoid breakdowns.
- If breakdowns with contracts, or communication occur, then spend some time reflecting. This will allow you to have more critical thinking about how to handle things when they don’t go as you planned.
- It’s so easy to find a scapegoat when life doesn’t go our way. See if you can catch yourself blaming the planets. If you slow things down, become more patient, and get into reflection, you’ll be able to see what seeds you can plant from here.
Together is Better,
This was great, thank you.
Thank you for taking the time to comment Iris.
Lovely concept! I think astrology is great, just not as a scapegoat 🙂 Thanks for sharing Jason!
You are so welcome Lucia. Thank you for taking the time to comment.